Eljemelo Biewer Terrier Pups have arrived.

Contact Jestine   





Biewer Terriers are hypoallergenic resulting in almost none to very few Allergic reactions. All breeds still produce allergens, however, scientists debate that dogs with coats rather than fur are purportedly more compatible with allergic people.

Biewer Terriers don't shed fur because they do not have fur, but have hair similar to humans.  Nonetheless they might have the single hair or two on a brush when they are brushed. Because these dogs don't shed, the allergy-causing dander that sticks to their coats doesn't get released into the air or onto the floor as much as with a shedding dog.

It should be mentioned that when the coats of  hybridised Yorkshire Terriers (also referred to as exotic) were inspected as adults, and from reports of unhappy clients; there were hybridised Yorkies that shed due to an under coat being comprised of fur.  Breeders of hybridised Yorkies do not understand that a specific protein could be expressed from a gene that causes these dogs to produce more intense allergens. It is recommended that if you are sensitive to allergens that a traditional Yorkie and not an hybridised Yorkie should be bought from a reputable breeder, due to the reductions in allergens as the traditional Yorkie does not have a fur coat.

Biewer Terriers is hipoallergenies, wat amper geen tot baie min allergiese reaksies tot gevolg het. Alle rasse produseer steeds allergene, maar wetenskaplikes voer aan dat honde met jasse eerder as pels na bewering meer versoenbaar is met allergiese mense.

Biewer Terriers vergooi nie pels nie omdat hulle nie pels het nie, maar hare het soos mense. Desondanks kan hulle wel ‘n paar hare op 'n borsel kry wanneer hulle geborsel word. Sodoende word die allergiese patogene wat aan hul hare vassit, nie in die lug of op die vloer vrygelaat , soos met 'n hond wat wel ‘n pels het nie.

Daar behoort kennis geneem te word dat die pels van gehibrideerde Yorkshire Terriers (ook eksoties genoem) as volwassenes geïnspekteer was en uit kennisgewing van ongelukkige kliënte; daar wel van die gehibrideerde Yorkies  (eksoties yorkies) was wat a.g.v 'n onderlaag wat uit pels bestaan, die pels verloor.   telers van verbasterde Yorkies verstaan ​​nie dat 'n spesifieke proteïen uitgedruk word uit 'n geen wat veroorsaak dat hierdie honde meer intense allergene produseer nie. Dus as jy of jou kinders meer sensitief is vir allergene, 'n tradisionele Yorkie en nie 'n gehibrideerde Yorkie nie, straks beter by jou sal pas aangesien opregte Yorkshire terriers en Biewer Terriers min of meer dieselfde tekstuur in hare het.



 Biewer Terrier pictures on this website are exclusively from Autentically bred Biewers Terriers.  We do not source pictures from pinterest, websites or any other source material like google images.

 Many breeders and scammers have used photographs and the Eljemelo slogan of 20 years (We breed um cuz we luv um!)  to advertise their kennels.  Some have even done this on the KUSA website.  We are flattered that they consider our dogs as the very best.   However, we wonder why they don’t use pictures of their own dogs?  Is this misleading to their clients?



After more than a decade of breeding Biewer Terriers we have clients

that states how blessed they have been to have loved their Biewer Terrier.

To pass away at an elderly age of 85 plus is sure to be a blessing.





Eljemelo, (situated in Durbanville, Cape Town) started breeding Authentic Biewer Terriers since 2007 when our first breeding Biewer Terriers arrived in South Africa from Germany.

Our adult dogs and puppies live with us in our home; they are not backyard dogs or cage bred.  My 2 girls love and frequently interact with our puppies and besides Biewer Terriers are kid lovers, unlike some other breeds that are more doubtful and afraid of small children.

Our babies are profoundly stimulated with our own developmental program. This unique way of handling pups have ensured a highly successful outcome in developing superior intelligence and unique personalities.

Our babies enjoy a jungle gym especially made for them. At the age of 6 weeks, they already have a sense of height and can climb low stairs. They learn that hide and seek is a fun game to play.

Our babies have free access to our puppy safe garden assuring that they have the best possible start in life.

We think our Biewer terriers are still reasonably priced considering the extreme effort, time, and expenses that go into producing and caring for the dam and litter.

Included in our offer is a well-balanced pup that is reared in our home and already accustomed to domestic noises and well socialized. Kusa or Btcsa registration.  At the age of 6/8 weeks, they receive a full medical examination, health clearance, and their 1st Novibac vaccination. Thereafter it will be the new owner's responsibility to have the puppy vaccinated until all (2 more, every 4 weeks plus rabies.  Rabies should be repeated  10 months later.  If your Biewer Terrier is going to visit a kennel  a vaccination against Bordetella is compulsory.     Do not delay your puppy's vaccinations.  Until all the vaccinations are complete do not put your pup at risk by letting him socialize with other dogs but your own vaccinated dogs.   Puppies not vaccinated can easily contract the horrifying Parvovirus which most of the time is a death sentence for any puppy.

Our pups are dewormed with Drontil and Milbamax.   Pups need to be dewormed every 2 weeks until they are 3 months old irrespective if they are infected with worms or not.

Our pups go home with a starter pack of Royal Canin. For the first few weeks do try to adhere to the breeder’s diet. Changing the diet immediately will only result in a runny tummy (diarrhea) and can afflict very uncomfortable pain. If you wish to change his diet at a later stage do so gradually, but please adhere to the diet we have been feeding the puppy to eliminate the risk of an upset stomach.    Remember too many treats and snacks will only result in your puppy not receiving a good balanced nutritional diet.  Feeding snacks is like giving your pup a fatty hamburger,    

Biewer terriers love toys, play ball and fetch is a big favorite.

Remember there are many pet-friendly hotels, B&B, and holiday accommodation that welcome doggies.


Since 2015 we do not breed Yorkshire Terriers,  only authentic Biewer Terriers.  There is a difference between the two breeds, Biewer Terriers are not white Yorkshire Terriers or also called exotic Yorkshire terriers. These dogs are designer or fashionable and should be bought with thoughtfulness to avoid the risk of disappointment.    However, if you are looking for a Yorkshire Terrier we can recommend an ethical Traditional Yorkshire Terrier breeder.

Confirmation of the two different breeds can be found on the KUSA website, which is the only licit South African FCI register.





Should you want to contact us by email:   

















Eljemelo Biewer Terrier Pups have arrived.

Contact Jestine   





Biewer Terriers are hypoallergenic resulting in almost none to very few Allergic reactions. All breeds still produce allergens, however, scientists debate that dogs with coats rather than fur are purportedly more compatible with allergic people.

Biewer Terriers don't shed fur because they do not have fur, but have hair similar to humans.  Nonetheless they might have the single hair or two on a brush when they are brushed. Because these dogs don't shed, the allergy-causing dander that sticks to their coats doesn't get released into the air or onto the floor as much as with a shedding dog.

It should be mentioned that when the coats of  hybridised Yorkshire Terriers (also referred to as exotic) were inspected as adults, and from reports of unhappy clients; there were hybridised Yorkies that shed due to an under coat being comprised of fur.  Breeders of hybridised Yorkies do not understand that a specific protein could be expressed from a gene that causes these dogs to produce more intense allergens. It is recommended that if you are sensitive to allergens that a traditional Yorkie and not an hybridised Yorkie should be bought from a reputable breeder, due to the reductions in allergens as the traditional Yorkie does not have a fur coat.

Biewer Terriers is hipoallergenies, wat amper geen tot baie min allergiese reaksies tot gevolg het. Alle rasse produseer steeds allergene, maar wetenskaplikes voer aan dat honde met jasse eerder as pels na bewering meer versoenbaar is met allergiese mense.

Biewer Terriers vergooi nie pels nie omdat hulle nie pels het nie, maar hare het soos mense. Desondanks kan hulle wel ‘n paar hare op 'n borsel kry wanneer hulle geborsel word. Sodoende word die allergiese patogene wat aan hul hare vassit, nie in die lug of op die vloer vrygelaat , soos met 'n hond wat wel ‘n pels het nie.

Daar behoort kennis geneem te word dat die pels van gehibrideerde Yorkshire Terriers (ook eksoties genoem) as volwassenes geïnspekteer was en uit kennisgewing van ongelukkige kliënte; daar wel van die gehibrideerde Yorkies  (eksoties yorkies) was wat a.g.v 'n onderlaag wat uit pels bestaan, die pels verloor.   telers van verbasterde Yorkies verstaan ​​nie dat 'n spesifieke proteïen uitgedruk word uit 'n geen wat veroorsaak dat hierdie honde meer intense allergene produseer nie. Dus as jy of jou kinders meer sensitief is vir allergene, 'n tradisionele Yorkie en nie 'n gehibrideerde Yorkie nie, straks beter by jou sal pas aangesien opregte Yorkshire terriers en Biewer Terriers min of meer dieselfde tekstuur in hare het.



 Biewer Terrier pictures on this website are exclusively from Autentically bred Biewers Terriers.  We do not source pictures from pinterest, websites or any other source material like google images.

 Many breeders and scammers have used photographs and the Eljemelo slogan of 20 years (We breed um cuz we luv um!)  to advertise their kennels.  Some have even done this on the KUSA website.  We are flattered that they consider our dogs as the very best.   However, we wonder why they don’t use pictures of their own dogs?  Is this misleading to their clients?



After more than a decade of breeding Biewer Terriers we have clients

that states how blessed they have been to have loved their Biewer Terrier.

To pass away at an elderly age of 85 plus is sure to be a blessing.





Eljemelo, (situated in Durbanville, Cape Town) started breeding Authentic Biewer Terriers since 2007 when our first breeding Biewer Terriers arrived in South Africa from Germany.

Our adult dogs and puppies live with us in our home; they are not backyard dogs or cage bred.  My 2 girls love and frequently interact with our puppies and besides Biewer Terriers are kid lovers, unlike some other breeds that are more doubtful and afraid of small children.

Our babies are profoundly stimulated with our own developmental program. This unique way of handling pups have ensured a highly successful outcome in developing superior intelligence and unique personalities.

Our babies enjoy a jungle gym especially made for them. At the age of 6 weeks, they already have a sense of height and can climb low stairs. They learn that hide and seek is a fun game to play.

Our babies have free access to our puppy safe garden assuring that they have the best possible start in life.

We think our Biewer terriers are still reasonably priced considering the extreme effort, time, and expenses that go into producing and caring for the dam and litter.

Included in our offer is a well-balanced pup that is reared in our home and already accustomed to domestic noises and well socialized. Kusa or Btcsa registration.  At the age of 6/8 weeks, they receive a full medical examination, health clearance, and their 1st Novibac vaccination. Thereafter it will be the new owner's responsibility to have the puppy vaccinated until all (2 more, every 4 weeks plus rabies.  Rabies should be repeated  10 months later.  If your Biewer Terrier is going to visit a kennel  a vaccination against Bordetella is compulsory.     Do not delay your puppy's vaccinations.  Until all the vaccinations are complete do not put your pup at risk by letting him socialize with other dogs but your own vaccinated dogs.   Puppies not vaccinated can easily contract the horrifying Parvovirus which most of the time is a death sentence for any puppy.

Our pups are dewormed with Drontil and Milbamax.   Pups need to be dewormed every 2 weeks until they are 3 months old irrespective if they are infected with worms or not.

Our pups go home with a starter pack of Royal Canin. For the first few weeks do try to adhere to the breeder’s diet. Changing the diet immediately will only result in a runny tummy (diarrhea) and can afflict very uncomfortable pain. If you wish to change his diet at a later stage do so gradually, but please adhere to the diet we have been feeding the puppy to eliminate the risk of an upset stomach.    Remember too many treats and snacks will only result in your puppy not receiving a good balanced nutritional diet.  Feeding snacks is like giving your pup a fatty hamburger,    

Biewer terriers love toys, play ball and fetch is a big favorite.

Remember there are many pet-friendly hotels, B&B, and holiday accommodation that welcome doggies.


Since 2015 we do not breed Yorkshire Terriers,  only authentic Biewer Terriers.  There is a difference between the two breeds, Biewer Terriers are not white Yorkshire Terriers or also called exotic Yorkshire terriers. These dogs are designer or fashionable and should be bought with thoughtfulness to avoid the risk of disappointment.    However, if you are looking for a Yorkshire Terrier we can recommend an ethical Traditional Yorkshire Terrier breeder.

Confirmation of the two different breeds can be found on the KUSA website, which is the only licit South African FCI register.





Should you want to contact us by email:   
















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