Lets start at the very beginning.

Adopting your first pet from a respectable breeder would probably have you wait a few weeks before your pup is ready to take home.    During this time you can start planning your puppy's homecoming.   I am often told that a bed, toys, water bowl etc. has already been purchased not mentioning the cutest little hot water bottle for kiddie/puppies.

It is equally, if not more important to find a good Veterinarian.  Finding a good Veterinarian can be just as challenging as adopting your FIRST pet. I would suggest you meet the Veterinarians in your neighborhood.  When a Yorkie pup gets sick the new owner is normally anxious to get the pup healthy again.  A Veterinarian who thinks he knows it all and gives the impression that he is doing you a huge favor will only cause conflict in future.   Find another vet! 

Choose a Veterinarian who understands your anxiety (emotional attachment) and who will attend to you and your Biewer terrier with compassion.  If you are about to lose your beloved pet you would want a Vet how is experience in dealing with  Biewer Terriers.  I would not like to entrust my Biewers life to a Vet who sees me as a money bag or one that considers his profession as just another job.

A yearly routine check should not just be a vaccination shot.  A complete health check, condition of teeth, cleaning of anal sac, nail clipping, (if you are not up to clipping the nails yourself) discussing diets etc.  should not be at any additional costs.   Choose your doggy doctor wisely as your Biewer terrier's life depends on it.

There are Medical Aids for pets which could come in very handy if your pet is injured.  You can visit www.medipetsa.co.za  to find out more. Remember to check with your insurance, most worthy insurance companies also have insurance for your pets if they are injured at no additional cost. 



Pet Emergencies

The following are symptoms which need immediate veterinarian attention.

  • Difficulty breathing, respiration, a blue tongue or gasping for breath. White or grey mucous membranes. (gums, inside of lips, tongue, inside of eyelids)
  • Bleeding that does not stop from any part of the body.
  • Bloated or distended abdomen or swollen or painful abdomen.
  • Inability to urinate or move bowels with persistent attempts.
  • Vomiting or diarrhea with blood or painful defecation or urination.
  • Severe dehydration.  Skin should snap back into position if lifted.
  • A body temperature around 41º C.   Healthy dogs have a temperature of 38-39 and a respiratory rate of 15-20 breaths per minute, and a heart rate of 80-120 beats per minute.
  • Loss of balance, consciousness or seizures.
  • Major trauma and signs of shock or severe lameness.
  • Ingested poison.   There are numerous common poisons in the home and round the garden.   Here are a few, but do get a list from your Vet.
  • Rat and mice poisons contain anticoagulants that cause uncontrolled internal bleeding.
  • Snail and slug poisons, rather use snailflo.
  • Flea, tick and dewormers used in overdose quantities can be extremely dangerous.    Rather speak to your Vet about accurate dosage.
  • Toxic plants.  Get a list from your nursery.    Plant cat grass in your garden. Yorkies love to eat the grass and besides it keeps their digestive system well.
  • Paint and lead.   Exuberant youngsters will chew on chairs, window panes, compost ……….. Small wood splinters can cause a perforated intestine.
  • Frogs and lizards.   Speak to your veterinarian, salt and bicarbonate of soda with water will get your yorkie to vomit.
  • Insect stings.  Swelling around the nose and throat can block the airway.  If no severe allergic reaction becomes visible administer anti histamine or a bicarbonate of soda and vinegar paste.  
  • Onions are bad it destroys red blood cells, but garlic is good.
  • Chocolate.   Dark chocolate contains double the amount of theobromine than light chocolate.   Only a small amount of dark chocolate can be deadly for an exceptionally small yorkie. 





Om jou honde-kleuter in n opleidings klas in te skryf is n wonderlike geleentheid vir hom om tyd saam met ander honde te spandeer, sowel as om te leer hoe om hom te gedra teenoor ander honde. Onthou egter dat kleuterpootjies eers veilig is teen parvo en ander hoogs aansteeklike siektes na al sy inentings, gewoonlik op 16 weke. Hy is dan ook emosioneel meer gereed vir nuwe uitdagings. Vra ook jou veearts na inentings teen KC (lugweg infeksie) indien jou kleuter wel met ander honde behalwe jou eie sosialiseer.



1) Thou shalt not bring home a puppy or adult dog and expect it to know immediately where the potty is. Every time they move from one home to another they need to be taught where to go.

2) Thou shalt not expect a young puppy of 8-16 weeks to be housebroken. That's like expecting a one year old child to be completely potty trained -- It just AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN.

3) Thou shalt not allow the new puppy to make all over the house and run loose and them wonder why the dog goes back to the same spot to make. You will have to disinfect the house thoroughly where he has done his business. White vinegar in the water will help neutralize the smell because he WILL GO BACK to the spot that smells.

4) Thou shalt not yell at the pup when it goes in the wrong spot. Better than yelling, you need to just clean it up thoroughly and put the dog where he is supposed to go. Dogs and most animals learn much better by the PRAISE AND REWARD system.

5) Thou shalt not keep the young pups 6 monghs or younger confined for long periods of time. They are too young until at least 6 months to hold it for that long. Take them out to make frequently and generously praise and reward them for going where you want them to.

6) Thou shalt not put a long haired toy dog out in the rain to make unless you want to use a hair dryer when they come back in. To do so could cause a chill and tonsillitis andor tracheotomy.

7) Thou shalt not expect an un-neutered or un-spayed dog to have proper potty manners. It is only nature telling them (boys and girls) to leave calling cards and scents for the other sex to notice. Chin up; if they were goats, they would constantly PEE on their heads to make themselves attractive to the opposite sex.

8) Thou shalt have a potty place gated off for your young puppy at least until 6 months of age. It's unrealistic to expect a young puppy to be completely trained until then.

9) Thou shalt spend a lot of time watching the dog when the dog is new to the house to correct bad habits before they start.

10) Thou shalt read these commandments instead of being angry at the puppy and mend your ways. A dog wants nothing more than to please you.


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