Biewer Terier Puppies for sale at Della Grazia

Born 22 September 2021 expecting new litter 18 October 2021

Only one little boy still available from litter born 22 September.



Biewer Terrier Puppies available


Biewer Terrier puppies 

Prices for Biewer Terrier puppies, recommended by the BTCSA

Females 000 – 5000            Males R6000 – 2000

Prices quoted are for pets only.

From time to time we do have Biewer Terriers priced less than the recommended prices. 




On that Gold note we were surprised and overwhelmed alike that on Christmas day we received a Biewer terrier white and gold female present, perfect in every way. As she grew we watch her closely inspecting her black nose and deep blond hair, and so the weeks pasted. To our amazement three weeks later born to the sister of the mommy who gave us this little pup, another white and gold biewer terrier!

Two sisters Sammy and Roxy (of the same litter) descendent from the bloodline of Quincy and Katie gave birth to two beautiful richly coloured white and gold biewer terriers. 

In association with the Biewer Terrier Club of America,  (BTCA) we contacted them to seek advice and wisdom regarding these puppies. They are special in their own right, and a surprise to our 13 years of breeding these extraordinary biewer terrier dogs, although these Biewer terriers are passionately sought after they  do not comply with breed standard.

We have however decided to have these white and gold biewer terriers MARS tested.

The breed standard of a dog breed describes the ideal picture of an animal of that breed, in other words the externally observable characteristics, for example the coat colour, the shape of the ears, the length of the coat, the temperament. Breed standards are not scientific documents and do not make any statements about the genetic make-up or testing of an animal, describing externally observable qualities only. Due to natural genetic variation, new mutations, variations in combinations of genes and recessive genes all dogs will differ to some degree from the breed standard. Certain characteristics, for example coat colour, are determined by the interaction between recessive and dominant genes. Dominant genes hide the presence of recessive genes and you cannot tell by looking at an animal with the dominant (mainstream) characteristics whether it carries a recessive gene or not. The presence of a recessive gene will only become apparent after two animals who both carry the same recessive gene have been bred together, and both recessive genes happen to pair up in the same puppy. The puppy will then express the characteristic of the recessive gene. For example, if the black gene for coat colour is dominant and the yellow gene is recessive, you will not be able to see if a dog has both a black and a yellow gene, as the dog will be the normal black colour. But, if by chance, two dogs who both have a black and a yellow gene have puppies, some of these puppies might end up with two yellow genes. These puppies will then have yellow coats, even though the coats of their parents were black.




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