The Biewer Terrier (à la Pom-Pon) in a nutshell


More than two decades ago a man and his wife lived amongst their Yorkies, Yorkshire terriers in a picturesque highland known for its deep valleys, vast plateaus and pristine country side called Hunsrück in Germany. 

They were the proud owners of FCI world Junior Yorkshire Terrier champions Darling von Friedheck and Fru-Fru von Friedheck. These two yorkie sweethearts had a litter on the 20th January 1984; Schneeflocken (Snowflake) the first Biewer terrier baby was born. 

Parti Colour Yorkies, Yorkshire terriers are not Biewer Terriers. Biewer Terriers have a breed standard and will trace back to the original Von Friedheck's. 

In 1986 Mr. Biewer received recognition when the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier à la Pom Pon was officially accepted into the ACH Pedigree Registry. 

When the husband of the German Schlager singer, Margot Eskens, gave her a Biewer Yorkie on a silver platter for her birthday, she described the Biewer as being " à la Pom Pon ". Although it has not been confirmed as to the exact meaning of her description of the Biewer Yorkie, it is thought to mean tassels of silk yarn.


A few years back I told Lana Pieterse that I saw a white yorkie while living in Europe. We made a fuss about the yorkie look-a-like although the lady that was walking her dog did not communicate with us, she did not speak English. I never gave it a second thought.


Lana started searching the net and did a study on the origin of the Biewer (Yorkshire) Terrier a la Pom Pon, being a perfectionist and brilliant scientist she spend almost 18 months on the net searching and researching information on the Biewer a la Pom Pon. 

Our first imported male Biewer Terrier was born on the 6th February, 2007 (Posing on the btcsa club logo and today the astounding symbol of the Biewer Terriers in South Africa. Much loved by all who has had the privilege of meeting this gentleman-dog.) He arrived in South Africa a few months later.  Soon thereafter there was no stopping us. We fell head over heels in love with this remarkable Biewer with its so eager to please nature.  The one Biewer after the other arrived in South Africa. 



The History of the Biewer Terrier

There are various clubs all seemingly dedicated to this breed, calling it a Biewer Terrier, Biewer a la Pom Pon, Biewer Yorkshire Terrier a la Pom Pon, or just plain Biewer. It must however, be made clear, that the originators of the breed named their dogs: Biewer Yorkshire Terrier a la Pom Pon in the 1980's, however Frau Gertrud Biewer has acknowledged her acceptance of the breed name Biewer Terrier.

There is certainly much speculation as to the origination and indeed conception of the breed, and the various clubs around the world all have differing opinions as to their dog's ancestry.  However, they do agree on the breed's originators, Herr Werner Biewer and his wife Gertrud Biewer.

The Biewers' were  breeding and showing Yorkshire Terriers for many years, and it is written, that on 20 January 1984 an adorable Tricolour Yorkie pup was born to two Traditional coloured Yorkshire Terriers they owned. Darling von Friedheck (Sire) and Fru Fru von Friedheck (Dam), this youngster was named Schneeflockchen, and blue/white/gold in colour. Better known as Snowflake.

The Biewers registered their traditional coloured pedigree Yorkie with the KFT in Germany (Klub fur Terrier) under the umbrella of the VDH (Verband fur das Deutsche Hundewesen). But these new colours were identified as wrong-coloured and were not given breeding status in Germany, and although the Biewer's did show their dogs in March 1988 in Wesbaden, Germany, they wanted more for them.

The ACH.e.v (Allgermeiner Club der Hundefreunde Deutschland.e.V)(not to be confused with acknowledged their dogs as a separate breed in 1989 and the couple drew up a very limited standard for their new little dogs, named Biewer Yorkshire Terrier a la Pom Pom ("a la Pom Pon" translated from French colourful ball of yarn, this little nick name attachment came about, one evening at a dinner party).



In 1997 Herr Biewer died after an extended illness, his wife Frau Gertrud Biewer discontinued their breeding program, their Biewers were expensive and hard to come by, however there were already breeders in Germany ready to take up the breed, and there are now many  registration clubs in Germany although non FCI affiliated to date, all claiming to have the original article.

The Biewer Terrier have a different character to the traditional Yorkie, an indicator of other breeds introduction, as coat colour has also been found to be a factor to temperament, namely tameable, trainable. (James Serpell, Oxford Univesity).



After endless negotiations,  submission of various scientific data and our breeders vision and undertaking to develop the Biewer Terrier together with the OPVGL the Federal Council of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa subsequently agreed in December 2010 that the Biewer Terrier  breed, will be accepted into the Appendix Register of KUSA.   This was only the beginning of the long road to success that lays ahead.

On January 21, 2011 Dr. Marianne Duncan, (President of the Biewer Terrier Club of South Africa) Lana Pieterse and myself met with Mr. Greg Eva, (President of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa) to discuss the date of implementation.   We are all very pleased that this decision has been made and now we can look forward to the development of this new breed, the Biewer Terrier within the ambit of the Kennel Union.
















That of an elegant longhaired toy terrier with the hair parting down the middle and hanging straight and evenly on both sides of the dog.  Although the outline of the dog gives the appearance of a square, the body length can be slightly longer than the over-all height.  The tail is curved over the body and covered with a long glowing plume.


Uncomplicated toy terrier with a lighthearted attitude and a happy temperament.  Stable and sociable with humans and with other dogs; it adapts perfectly to all ways of life and makes a loyal companion.


Rather small and flat, with a moderate stop.  Not too prominent or round in skull. Muzzle not too long in proportion to the skull.  Nose black.


Medium,dark and placed to look directly forward.  Not prominent.  Edge of eyelids dark.


Medium, V-shaped, upright, moderately wide set and covered with hair.  Tips should be shaved.


Level or scissor bite.  Teeth well placed with even jaws.


Fine to medium boned with a good level top line.  Height at the shoulders is the same as the height at the rump.  Length of the body can be slightly longer than the height of the dog.  The chest comes to the elbows with a good width.  The rib cage is moderately sprung with the underline being slightly tucked up and a short but strong loin.


Well laid shoulders, legs absolutely straight and covered with hair.


Straight when viewed from behind and stifles are slightly bent when viewed from the side.


Round.  Nails black or white.


The tail is curved over the body and covered with a long flowing plume.


Sound movement, retaining level topline.


Long and flowing with a soft silky texture.  Perfectly straight without an undercoat, not woolly or wavy.


White-blue-gold or White-black-gold.

Head:  White-blue-gold or white-black-gold. Colored symmetrically.

Topline:  Blue/Black, broken up with white.  White throat.  No gold present in topcoat. Legs, belly and chest completely white.  Tip of the tail should be white.


Up to 3.6kg.


Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect on health & welfare of the dog.


Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.












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